Infinite Possibilities Installation
Art on New England Largest Marquee, Music at Tedx Salon
The Perspective Behind the Pivotal Project
If you wondered what I did on Friday night, it was usually art.
At this time in my life, I was continually shedding old ways of thinking for new ways of seeing. One of the best things about working at Harvard Media Lab was having access to all the glorious gears. So I taught myself all of them.
There are times in life that are pivotal moments when you don’t give in to giving up, you find a new way, or merely listen to your heart then follow the trails of inspiration. The path of inspiration led me to gather all the materials needed to make, shoot, record and edit experiments. Initially with a vase, then a fish tank trying different elements using inks and water. It’s the stated title for a video installation that also transitioned to a piece of original music.
I’ve specific reasons for this title.
It didn’t matter if i didn’t have a camera, lights, if a computer freezes, crashes-- or even you end up teaching yourself how to build an entirely new one. In those challenges are where I found the title and purpose for this piece. And each pivot brought discovery of new ways or things, with or without it--infinite within the finite.
I always hoped this piece might reach the right someones at all the right moments... beautiful synchronicities...
spark a remembering within them.
if you think it’s for you, it’s for you.
Take it and run with it.
Infinite possibilities.
Love, Zen
Project Gallery